Wednesday, September 02, 2015


Subject: Filter Coffeehouse and Espresso Bar
Location: Washington DC [Dupont Circle shop]
WiFi?: yes
Rating: 6+ [see key]

There always exist a few coffeehouses that take me forever to reach. Whether it be a conflict of hours or simply an inflexibility in my travel plans, I sometimes wait years to get to some places. It's even more frustrating when such a cafe resides relatively close by amidst the crowded throngs of Washington DC. I speak of a multi-location shop called Filter Coffeehouse and Espresso Bar.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Mugged: Screaming Beans

Subject: Screaming Beans
Coffee Mugged: Tanzania Kilamanjaro, Machare Estate
Rating [see key]: 5+

The Dutch have come up a lot in my year recently. In my travels around the USA, I've come across a lot of old Dutch colonies and monuments. In my readings of books and infrequent cinema perusal, the Netherlands (specifically Frisia) have come up noticeably often. And to top it off, a good friend of mine revealed to me that she is 100% Dutch (i.e. born from two 100% Dutch parents), which may not be all that remarkable for some, but in my neck of the woods it's rare to meet someone who comes from a mono-ethnic background. All together, I am cautiously holding my breath that this means that God has a trip to the Netherlands somewhere in my near future.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Bluestone Lane

Subject: Bluestone Lane
Location: Manhattan, NY [Bryant Park shop]
WiFi?: yes
Rating: 5+ [see key]

Update 11/14/17
In the past few years, Bluestone has started roasting their own coffee amidst their expansion, moving towards a darker roast as a default. 

If there's a continent that seems to burst so much with coffee love that it begins to take over other continents, it's Australia. Having been to both various Aussie operations in the UK as well as in the States, I stand amazed at how much their cup runneth over into foreign lands. And unlike the outposts of many other countries, Australians seems to sincerely love and produce high quality and delicious coffee.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Case Study Coffee

Subject: Case Study Coffee Roasters
Location: Portland, OR [NE Sandy Blvd shop]
WiFi?: yes
Rating: 6+ [see key]

Long, long ago in the pre-smart phone days, I would use the hunt-with-my-eyes method of locating coffeehouses. Essentially I would do minimal research when visiting a new place and wing it, hoping that in wandering the right neighborhoods, I would spot the diamonds in the rough. Clearly an inferior method, I rarely use the tactic primarily anymore, but still from time to time my eyes can't help but scan the horizon for an uncharted gem.

Thursday, August 06, 2015

Mugged: 3fe

Subject: 3fe Coffee
Coffee Mugged and Rating [see key]:
- Nicaragua Finca La Escondida: Perla Negra Red Catuai 5+
- Bolivia Finca David Vilca: Yellow Honey Caturra 6+

Long have I yearned to visit the ancient streets of Dublin. Possessing both rich Irish ancestry and an ardent love of European history, a visit to the Emerald Isle has remained out of my grasp. In the meantime while I plan my foray across the pond, I was recently able to experience the next best thing: fresh, whole bean coffee from one of Ireland's better roasters, 3fe Coffee.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Endgrain Coffee Bar

Subject: Endgrain Coffee Bar
Location: Pitman, NJ
WiFi?: yes
Rating: 6+ [see key]

Update 11/16/2022: Coffee roasting and bar skill is definitely worth a visit.

Update 11/14/17:
In the past two years, Engrain has started roasting their own coffee and offering a growing line of different coffees, ranging from light to dark. 

It's no secret that small towns on the east coast have a devastatingly small amount of great coffee. Chalk it up to the high cost of real estate, or to the low patronage from the give-me-drive-thru-or-give-me-death majority. Whatever the cause, it remains a daunting task to find a quality brew outside of major city limits.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Lineage Coffee Roasting

Subject: Lineage Coffee Roasting
Location: Orlando, FL
WiFi?: the East End Market has it I believe
Rating: 6+ [see key]

In my early life, indoor markets were a constant presence. Always a deal seeker, my mother would drag my siblings and me to a local mart known for its lackluster decor and bottom dollar prices. Needless to say, this impressed upon me that such bazaars were doomed to be poorly lit, suspicious spots where cheap goods were peddled and greasy sandwiches were hocked. But the older I grew, the more I have come across a greater diversity of indoor markets that actually offer superb products in increasingly beautiful spaces.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Torque Coffee

Subject: Torque Coffee
Location: Vancouver, WA
WiFi?: yes
Rating: 6+ [see key]

No matter how long I'm in the area of Portland, I always make time for a stop in lovely Vancouver. Sitting pretty along the Columbia River, and but a pebbles skip from the expanses of Portland, this border city of Washington has a lot of gems definitely worth mining.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Mugged: Driftaway Coffee

Subject: Driftaway Coffee
Coffee Mugged and Rating [see key]:
- Profile 1 (Fruity): Rwanda Gitesi 6+
- Profile 2 (Classic): Brazil Fazenda do Serrado 4+
- Profile 3 ( Balanced): Nicaragua Las Nubes Co-op 5+
- Profile 4 (Bold): Honduras San Vicente 4+

It's no secret that there are different types of coffee drinkers. Some like the beautiful nuance and vibrant flavors of a lightly roasted African coffee, brimming with fruit and luscious chocolate. Others like their coffee a bit stiffer and thicker, a brew with a mellow sweetness and smatterings of different flavors. And then there's some folks who like their coffee to bathe their tongue in bitterness and smoke, favoring the dark roasts bearing European country names. 

Monday, July 06, 2015

United By Blue

Subject: United By Blue
Location: Philadelphia, PA
WiFi?: yes
Rating: 6+ [see key]

Early autumn mornings around a youth group campfire taught me the necessity of good coffee amidst outdoor excursions. While some nights yield a perfect nights sleep under the starry sky, others are met with surprises (such as bears or torrential rain) that cause for a less fulfilling slumber. When you wake up cold, wet and/or exhausted from bear hide-and-seek, who wants to face the upcoming day with a cup of sludge? No one.

Monday, June 22, 2015


Subject: Coffeehouse-Five
Location: Portland, OR
WiFi?: yes
Rating: 6+ [see key]

Saturday mornings are the best time to get out and experience a city. It's one of the few windows in the week where many businesses are open, yet the crowds are mostly sleeping off their prior late-night adventures. Especially if I'm traveling, I can usually get in a full four hours before the streets get crowded with the brunch hordes.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Viora Lid

As I have learned in the past years, there are legions of coffee lids out there for your paper cups. Back in my early coffee days where I cared more for the caffeine than the flavor, I recall life with the crummy fold-the-lip-back flat lids that more often than not proved one tear away from an epic spill. Then when I began frequenting quality establishments, I graduated somewhat exclusively to the Solo Traveler, a fine top that offered more drink stability, though it took some time to master little things like not positioning the spout at the cup seam, and how to use your tongue tip to control flow.

Mugged: Coffee Boys

Subject: Coffee Boys
Coffee Mugged: Not Actually Sure
Rating [see key]: 4+

There are a ton of coffee delivery services out there these days, and it's harder and harder for new cats to distinguish themselves from the pride. Some companies market themselves as having an extensive variety of roasters and beans new each month, while others trumpet their staunch consistency to the same beans forever. A handful of folks focus solely on gorgeous, effective branding; some champion the coffee quality above all; and a precious few do both well. In general, no matter the approach it seems that whatever your style, there's a coffee subscription for you.

Tuesday, June 09, 2015


Subject: Vespr
Location: Orlando, FL
WiFi?: yes
Rating: 6+ [see key]

It seems like every time I visit Orlando, the coffee scene gets better and better. My latest trip south took me to a shop in East Orlando that had quickly accrued a reputation for great coffee, a decently-sized establishment called Vespr.

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Ristretto Roasters

Subject: Ristretto Roasters
Location: Portland [Couch St]
WiFi?: yes
Rating: 6+ [see key]

I love visiting coffeehouses at night. There's a certain charm to most establishments that one does not capture in the waking hours when people are starting the buzzings of a busy day. Come late-afternoon, most places tend to thin out and cool down a little, owing to the fact that many folks will have switched to alcoholic aspirations and that numerous others simply hang up their caffeine habit post-afternoon coffee break. With few exceptions, the vibe of a coffeehouse around supper time rarely matches the feel of the AM rush.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Cold Bruer

Iced coffee is all the rage right now, specifically cold brew. While it was pushed from the sun for some years due to the influx of quicker (and many would still argue better) brew methods such as the Japanese style (Counter Culture has a nice tutorial) or similarly, the Aeropress over ice (CoffeeGeek advises here), it seems cold brew has vaulted back into the limelight due to a host of factors. And regardless the reasons for its rise back to power, cold brew coffee can be found on the shelves of supermarkets and minds of more people than ever.

Mugged: Colombia Luminosa [Peet's]

Subject: Peet's Coffee and Tea
Coffee Mugged: Colombia Luminosa
Rating [see key]: 3+

While Peet's has long preferred to roast darker, they now are beginning to wander into the realms of light roasts. With the recent release of their Colombia Luminosa, their sole light roast, they're diversifying their offerings to a growing love of lighter roasts. While at first glance, the beans do not really look like a light roast (definitely more medium), the beans are indeed a good deal lighter than some of Peet's more regular offerings.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Cartel Coffee Lab

Subject: Cartel Coffee Lab
Location: Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport, Terminal 4
WiFi?: No
Rating: 5+ [see key]

If I've said it once, I'll say it ten trillion times: every major airport should have a solid coffee presence. Some cities get it, awarding space to high-quality coffee establishments able to provide weary and gastro-curious travelers with a delicious cup of coffee. Other cities, like my home airport of PHL, don't seem to see the opportunity to make their coffee options memorable and delicious, but are more content to settle upon tired and typical outlets.

Monday, May 11, 2015


Subject: Either/Or
Location: Portland, OR
WiFi?: Yes
Rating: 6+ [see key]

One of Portland's many charms is its numerous, extremely-livable neighborhoods. While cities further east often have tight city lanes where space and parking are at a significant premium, in a place like Portland many neighborhoods offer the peace and parking of suburbs with the proximity of city life. 

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Mugged: Beachcomber Coffee Co

Subject: Beachcomber Coffee Co
Coffee Mugged: self-titled
Rating [see key]: 3+

While I've only been to Vancouver, BC once, it remains one of my favorite Canadian cities. The climate was pleasant, the people friendly and the coffee abundantly delicious. Thus, it nearly always pulls my interest to hear of new coffee coming from the Canadian west.