Subject: Honeybee Coffee Co.
Location visited: 700 Sevier Ave, Knoxville, TN
WiFi?: yes
Rating: 6+ [see key]
Knoxville is another city that I've seen from the highway several times but have never really visited until recently. This summer finally offered a great opportunity to see the city and check out the coffee.
One roaster on my list was a place called Honeybee Coffee Co. with locations in Knoxville and Sevierville. Based on my lodging the night prior, I made a short drive to their Sevier Avenue location, located in a classy brick building with giant front windows. Inside, the shop occupies two store fronts, with a connecting corridor conjoining them.
As for coffee that morning, I went with an espresso of a Papua New Guinea single origin and a drip of an Ethiopian. The espresso, pulled short/medium with brown crema, smacked of chocolate, banana, toffee, biscuit, seltzer, some berries and a little romaine, proving toothsome and sweet. The drip coffee also proved delicious, with bright notes of blueberry muffin, rhubarb, pie crust, tangerine, brown sugar and a little spring mix in a light, fluffy body.
While I would have loved to relax with my drinks, I had a tight schedule and had to move out once I was done. But the next time I am in the area, I will be sure to check out one of their other three locations for some great coffee.
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