Location: Philadelphia, PA
WiFi?: yes
Rating: 6+ [see key]
In driving around Philadelphia, I am always surprised by what I do not see. I blame it on familiarity. Growing up in the area, I have grown accustomed to the sights that it's only when something new happens that an old structure hidden in plain sight becomes apparent.
Take the BOK, a former vocational school located off Dudley Street in South Philadelphia. Until 2013, it was a high school and well off my radar, but now it's a multi-use building housing all types of businesses. The one that drew my interest was a local coffee shop called Two Persons. Located inside the BOK with a caged coffee bar, tons of varied seating and lots of fascinating old relics of days past, Two Persons is a delightful treat in the neighborhood.
In addition, they serve up Passenger Coffee as well as a rotating list of featured roasters. On the day of my visit, I went with an espresso of Passenger's Stowaway and a drip of their Monte Carlo. The espresso, pulled to a medium volume with brown crema, smacked of chocolate, lemon, cream, Italian bread, pomegranate tea and a touch of basil, overall proving bright and balanced. The drip also proved excellent, with delectable notes of caramel, pound cake, sweet cream, nutmeg, lemongrass and sweet corn.
After checking out a few other operations and enjoying my brew, I made my way out glad to have had a chance to see Philadelphia with new eyes. If you happen to be in the area or looking for a reason to visit South Philly, check out Two Persons.
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