Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mugged: Classic [Superba Coffee]

What does "Mugged" mean?

Superba Coffee
Coffees Mugged:

Rating: 3+
[see key]

on't judge a book by its cover. Mom, grandmom, great grandmom and Thomas the Tank Engine all spouted that cliche in hopes of teaching me to not judge people by what they look like on the outside, but who they are inside. I would say their efforts plus years of humbling experiences panned out with my skill with people.

Yet I wonder if Thomas would let out a whistle of disappointment if he knew how I openly judge real books by their covers...and food...and drinks...and even coffee (I admit it!). Now before you regard me as shallow, allow me to elaborate. I still greatly value the content and product, it just blows my mind that someone can allow an ugly design to be placed on their product.

Thus in receiving Superba Coffee's Classic blend, I was very attracted to the snazzy box enclosing the pound of coffee. Despite my admiration of the exterior, I put it to the side and put their Classic blend to the classic tests of french press, siphon and drip.

The drip surfaced sweet cane sugar, a little bourbon, caramel, bits of cinnamon, chili powder and pretzel dough. A coffee with a lil bit of bite but all together good.

The french press presented sweet caramel and Coca Cola, bourbon, bits of cinnamon, lemon and graham cracker. This coffee had a little less bite and a lot more sweet notes.

The final brew a la siphon proved a tad tamer. It conveyed predominantly sweet cane sugar, caramel, lemon and Coca Cola; a fair brew.

In getting through the whole "book" I can say I was fairly pleased with the total package. If you enjoy a decent coffee with a nice package, try out Superba's Classic blend.

note: coffee was provided free of charge and the above review is objective feedback.

Mugged: Oren's Special Blend [Oren's]

What does "Mugged" mean?

Oren's Daily Roast
Coffees Mugged:
Oren's Special Blend

Rating: 3+
[see key]

ouse blends pique my interest. Most coffeehouses have one and it would seem that the sole reason house blends exist are to be the default drip coffee experience for an establishment. When I walk into most places, their house blend is at least one of the coffees on tap (if not the only one), which tells me that coffeehouses are putting a lot of stock into their house blends. In a world of choices and varied tastes, this boggles my noggin.

My most recent experience with Oren's Special Blend, the house blend for Oren's Daily Roast, brought many of these thoughts reeling in. The second coffee of two sent to try out, this coffee is blended in thirds, one third a french roast. Given the color and composition, I deduced that this coffee was probably produced to cater to a dark roast fan's desire for those bitter notes but not too bitter to drive off people who like their coffee a little brighter and/or smoother.

After these brief moments of conjecture, I began my sampling, brewing my first cup via drip. The dark notes did not fail to arrive noticeably, mostly in the form of really dark chocolate and lemon pepper, with some accompaniment of nutmeg and grape. A fair brew but not stellar.

The french press held the same dark chocolate as well as some grass, some mango, buttermilk biscuits and nutmeg. This cup fared a tinge lighter and did sample a notch better.

The siphon pulled out more of the sweetness, with mango and molasses headlining followed by the dark chocolate, buttermilk biscuit and grass. This cup was the smoothest and least bitter.

To answer my earlier hypothesis, this coffee did seem to straddle the dark and light coffee realm, though as someone who leans away from the darker coffees, I can't say I would go out of my way for it. I would venture that Oren's must attract a greater population of darker coffee drinkers, so if you happen to hanker for a semi-dark blend, give Oren's Special Blend a dial.

note: coffee was provided free of charge and the above review is objective feedback.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

CC: Brothers K Coffee

What's does "CC" mean? Location visited: Evanston, IL
Free WiFi ? : yes

5+ [
see key]

Sometimes it feels good to get out of the routine and do something a little different. I had one such day in Chicago where I had a good chunk of time to kill before my first engagement so I made my way a little north of my usual travels to Evanston for a morning cup of coffee and a little down time.

For the coffee, I headed to a Metropolis-slinging place called Brothers K Coffee. The coffeehouse sits in a maroon-awning-ed, stone structure on the Main Street of this North Shore town. Amidst the high ceilings and old tile floor, the cafe was buzzing with a morning crowd. After wading through the line and ordering, I found myself a spot at the bar along the window and set my eyes to my bounty.

I ordered myself a cup of a medium roasted Sumatran as well as an espresso. The Sumatran held a bit of sauciness, hyacinth and lime with some bits of apple, molasses and whole grains (a pretty good cup). The espresso, pulled short and with a nice crema, had the flavor of Christmas (like a cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg combo), light cocoa, a little whiskey and overall, a nice brightness and bitterness balance. The tea is free leaf.

After some time at the bar next to a wee lad sipping a latte with his mum (this past year, I've seen a lot of kids getting lattes), it was time to begin my day and I have the Brothers K to thank for the good start. I can heartily sound that I enjoyed my experience and would recommend a visit for any who traverse north of the Loop.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mugged: 100% Colombian Supremo [Don Francisco]


What does "Mugged" mean?

Don Francisco's Coffee
Coffees Mugged:
100% Colombian Supremo
5+ [see key]

any people seem to mix up Juan Valdez and Conchita (his faithful donkey) with a certain coffee giants. I can hardly blame people for the mistake as I myself fell prey to the confusion that some coffee commercials display when they have a Valdez-ian figure promote their product. But the truth exists that Juan is the symbol for Colombian-produced coffee and has no ties (I believe) to certain companies.

Accordingly, I was happy to see Juan and Conchita on a bag of 100% Colombian from Don Francisco. This particular bag was one of their whole bean coffees that like their Kona, seemed to have promise of potential.

I broke the beans into the usual three types of brews (drip, french press and siphon) and here follows the results.

The french press displayed a bright Fiji apple, minestrone, a bit of cocoa powder, nuttiness, a little wheat and some sweetness. The coffee really displayed a light body and a tremendously smooth cup.

The drip had a similar result with lots of initial brightness, some sweet wheat, undertones of cocoa powder, a little lemon and nuttiness. Still a great, light-bodied coffee.

Keeping it consistent, the siphon held the same apply brightness, some light grass, cocoa and nuttiness. The body here was a little more tea-like but still had the same kick and delicious qualities.

While I'm sure Juan and Conchita will have their faces slapped on many other Colombian coffees, I think that they both would be proud to be featured on this bag. If you happen to be looking for a good Colombian, give this coffee from Don Francisco a sip.

note: coffee was provided free of charge and the above review is objective feedback.

Mugged: French Roast [Don Francisco]

What does "Mugged" mean?

Don Francisco's Coffee
Coffees Mugged:
French Roast
3+ [see key]

y and by, it seems that the hands that produce good coffee also can produce mediocre. I know that some people really prefer their coffee to be super bitter but how are we going to get away from this fad of over-roasted coffee if roasters of all types (I've seen it in most coffee roasters) continue to propitiate the habit?

One such recent situation I can point to would be Don Francisco's French Roast. In sampling their other whole bean coffees of Colombian and Kona, I felt both to be really tasty. Clearly they have no issue producing a decent quality coffee (one of the main reasons to darkly roast a coffee is to cover up defects) so my deduction came to that they're simply catering to a the niche of people that think themselves hardcore when they ask for the dark roast. Alas...

But all that aside, I still strove to evaluate this coffee objectively and so, I put it through the tests of french press, drip and siphon.

The french press produced a coffee with dark chocolate, pepper and some subdued cherry. The darkness of the coffee really cloaked a lot of the flavors here.

The drip delivered a more earthy cup with the subdued cherry still weighted beneath the dark, bitterness of the coffee.

The siphon came out with similar dark characteristics, more cherry, some broth and pepper. With this one you could see the potential of the coffee squirming against the roast level.

As you can deduce, the coffee gave what was predicted; a coffee with some possible potential buried beneath the bitter qualities of a dark roast. I will say that as far as dark roasts go, this one was by no means abhorrent as there were still other flavors present, so if you are looking for a darker coffee, try out Don Francisco's French Roast.

note: coffee was provided free of charge and the above review is objective feedback.