Free WiFi ? : yes
Rating: 5+ [see key]
Sometimes it feels good to get out of the routine and do something a little different. I had one such day in Chicago where I had a good chunk of time to kill before my first engagement so I made my way a little north of my usual travels to Evanston for a morning cup of coffee and a little down time.
For the coffee, I headed to a Metropolis-slinging place called Brothers K Coffee. The coffeehouse sits in a maroon-awning-ed, stone structure on the Main Street of this North Shore town. Amidst the high ceilings and old tile floor, the cafe was buzzing with a morning crowd. After wading through the line and ordering, I found myself a spot at the bar along the window and set my eyes to my bounty.
I ordered myself a cup of a medium roasted Sumatran as well as an espresso. The Sumatran held a bit of sauciness, hyacinth and lime with some bits of apple, molasses and whole grains (a pretty good cup). The espresso, pulled short and with a nice crema, had the flavor of Christmas (like a cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg combo), light cocoa, a little whiskey and overall, a nice brightness and bitterness balance. The tea is free leaf.
After some time at the bar next to a wee lad sipping a latte with his mum (this past year, I've seen a lot of kids getting lattes), it was time to begin my day and I have the Brothers K to thank for the good start. I can heartily sound that I enjoyed my experience and would recommend a visit for any who traverse north of the Loop.
Hi, I like your blog, from now on i'm gonna follow you, i love coffee too and i visit the places to know about the coffee and all the things in the cafeteria.
Kissies Renata.
(I'm trying my English)
Thank you for bringing The Brothers K to my attention again. It has been nearly 5 years since I've been in this coffee shop only because of the distance from my house. If I'm not mistaken, a few years ago the Chicago Tribune gave them rave reviews.
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