Showing posts with label Alabama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alabama. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Seeds Coffee Company

Subject: Seeds Coffee Company
Location Visted: Birmingham, AL
WiFi?: yes
Rating: 6+ [see key]

It might be coincidental, but whenever I'm in the South I find more coffee establishments open late versus anywhere else (save maybe the Northwest). Maybe it's because the alcohol laws are more relaxed or that their patrons just get up at later hours, but when I was driving through Alabama, I had plenty of places to pick for a cup of coffee after supper.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Revelator Coffee Company

Subject: Revelator Coffee Company
Location Visited: Birmingham, AL
WiFi?: yes
Rating: 6+ [see key]

When one looks for great coffee in the southeast US, there's more and more great coffee popping up all over the place, with individual cafes blooming in most major urban centers. Yet one coffee company that has established numerous outposts all over the south is a roaster called Revelator. With shops now in five major southeast cities and plans for further expansion, this relatively new juggernaut has blessed the south with gorgeous shops and delicious coffee.

Monday, July 07, 2014

Mugged: Colombian Antioquia [Serda's]

Coffees Mugged: Colombian Antioquia Finca Majagual Estate Micro Lot
Rating [see key]: 6+

When most folks think of towns made famous for their coffee scene, one does not usually pick Mobile, Alabama. Located right on the Gulf, a short drive from New Orleans, the area is home to a handful of local coffee establishments making their way in the balmy southern borders of America. Until recently I could not name you one, but the folks at Serda's reached out recently to change that.