Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Factory Fuel Co.

Subject: Factory Fuel Co.
Location: Flemington, NJ
WiFi?: yes
Rating: 5+ [see key]

Growing up in NJ, I have come to appreciate interstates and large highways. Sure some lack aesthetic beauty (especially in the northeast corner, near NYC), but with the amount of volume pumping through the veins and arteries of the state, I have become less concerned with the natural vistas when I am trying to get from Bordentown to Rahway in under an hour.

Monday, May 01, 2017

Damn Fine Coffee Bar

Subject: Damn Fine Coffee Bar
Location: Chicago, IL
WiFi?: yes
Rating: 6+ [see key]

The first time I heard the words "damn fine" were in the King's English in a CS Lewis book (technically "dem fine"). The Magician's Nephew, still my most loved of the seven Chronicles of Narnia, features an eccentric uncle who refers to the short-tempered Queen Jadis as a "dem fine woman." At the time when I first read this, I took this as scandal, as I was 11 and didn't read books with "sentence enhancers." But years later, after learning all 13 bad words and then banishing them from my lips (as fancy sophisticates should not stain their lips with cursing), I have personally sought to find more creative vocabulary. And so, even though I really don't see the word "damn" as a foul word (unless you use it as a verb, and then you are telling the person/thing to go to H-E-DOUBLE-HOCKEY-STICKS, which is kinda bad if you believe in hell (and I do)), it's a word I just don't use casually any more just to play it safe.

Monday, April 24, 2017


Subject: Rally
Location: Philadelphia, PA
WiFi?: yes
Rating: 6+ [see key]

It always brings me joy when a quality-driven shop opens up in a beautiful space that had been abandoned by a long-closed predecessor. Such was the case with Rally, a multifaceted coffee-based institution that offers services ranging from aid with your business ventures to catering and space for private events.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Behmor 1600 Plus and Should You Roast at Home?

Home roasting is a trend that seems to pick up more steam every year. For some, it's the science that draws them. For others, it's the creative nuance. For most, I would venture it's (initially) to save some money on their overall coffee consumption (which does not always hold true, but we can get to that later). Whatever the reason, home roasting is certainly a hobby that isn't going anywhere.

Sunday, April 09, 2017

Mugged: Great Circle

Subject: Great Circle Coffee
Coffees Mugged and Rating [see key]
- Ichamara Kenya 5+
- Pixcaya Guatemala 5+

It was not long ago that a quality cup of coffee in Miami would be something one would be hard-pressed to locate, especially at a trusted shop in the area. But over the last 7 years, the coffee scene has taken hold in southeast Florida and the number of excellent purveyors of coffee in the region has steadily increased. One roaster to recently cross my path is an establishment called Great Circle out of Miami, and while I have not visited them in person yet, I was recently sent out two of their coffees to take for a spin at home through pourover, french press and siphon.