Monday, September 08, 2014

Sunergos Coffee

Subject: Sunergos Coffee
Location: Louisville, KY
WiFi?: Yes
Rating: 6+ [see key]

Louisville is a city I have been longing to go back to since I last left. I had rolled into town one New Years holiday weekend back in 2004 and found the town almost completely shut down. I distinctly remember using all of my the power at my disposal to locate some decent coffee, but no matter where I looked or where I begged, I could not locate an open coffeehouse. It was a weekend of despair and anguish only eclipsed by the company of good friends and a great conference. And ever since I left town on a cold morning in early January, my ears have only filled to the brim with the great wonders of Louisville. 

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Mugged: Brazil, Colombia and Kenya [Bold Bean]

Subject: Bold Bean Coffee Roasters
Coffee Mugged and Rating [see key]:
- Canaan Estate, Carmo de Minas, Minas Gerais, Brazil 5+
- Finca Buenavista, Cundinamarca, Colombia 5+ 
- Kwamangu Estate, Kiambu, Kenya 6+

Florida is a state I tend to forget about during the warmer summer months, so it's always nice to hear of good things going on in the area's coffee realm. One of the state's more substantial coffee operations runs out of Jacksonville and goes by the name of Bold Bean Coffee Roasters. Opened in 2007, this coffee roaster caught my eye at a Coffee Fest ABC Coffeehouse Competition back in 2013 with good coffee and a solid presence.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Kingdom Coffee and Cycles

Subject: Kingdom Coffee and Cycles
Location: Springfield, MO
WiFi?: Yes
Rating: 6+ [see key]

The more I am around people who ride bicycles, the more I want to be a regular bicyclist. It's not because I want an excuse to regularly wear bib shorts, or because I relish the idea of sharing the road with easily distracted motorists, but simply because for all the driving I do in my regular commute, I don't get much worthwhile exercise from it (aka you can only do so many curls at a red light). With the busyness of life these days, to knock off exercise and commuting to work with the same action would be glorious. Yet such simplicity cannot be, as I often have to traverse great distances at a moments notice. For now, the bicycle and I cannot be commuting buddies. 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Mugged: Ethiopia [Driven]

Subject: Driven Coffee Roasters
Coffee Mugged: Ethiopia Sidamo
Rating [see key]: 4+

It's hard to get a definitive pulse on a roaster by only trying one of their coffees, so when opportunity arises to try a different coffee from a new-to-me roaster, I tend to jump on it. Recently, I jumped at an opportunity to take a second crack at Driven Coffee Roasters out of Minneapolis. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

The Shop Cafe

Subject: The Shop Cafe
Location: Ithaca, NY
WiFi?: Yes
Rating: 6+ [see key]

Back when central New York was a regular stomping ground, Ithaca was one of my favorite haunts. Its lovely small town shops, independent culture and its array of good coffeehouses always made for a nice little day trip.