Showing posts with label Mud house. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mud house. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

CC: Mudhouse

What's a Coffee Commentary?

Location visited: Springfield, MO
Free WiFi ? : yes
Rating: 4+ [see key]

n the couple times I've encountered Springfield, every time has involved a stop at the locally fabled Mudhouse. First time I was escorted by Springfieldans, as I think it was the only local coffee joint at the time. Then it was but a mediocre establishment but now it seems to be a vastly improved operation.

The Mudhouse consists of a beautiful shop in the middle of downtown Springfield with large store windows and a warm, open interior chock full of prime seating and intriguing art. Locals and out-of-towners of all shapes and sizes fill the seats constantly.

The coffee is roasted in-house and as aforementioned, has grown in quality over these past years, with their drip on my most recent visit having a nice body and smooth flavor. The espresso was decent with a sweet tang but overall, nothing that great. To note the tea, it's free leaf.

While Mudhouse is no longer the only local coffee establishment, it seems like it has a good track record and history within the town. If you're ever nearby, make sure to give it a whirl.