What's a Coffee Commentary?
Subject: Cafe' Sante' Veritas
Location visited: Montreal, QC
Free WiFi ? : yes
Rating: 6+ [see key]
I have been to a lot of cities across North America and few have been as intriguing and beautiful as Montreal. The old European-style buildings, the eclectic activities, and the food all provide a wonderful experience.
And fortunately, I was able to experience some great coffee while I was there recently. One place in particular was right around the corner from my hotel, a little cafe called Cafe Sante Veritas. Looking at it from the exterior, the place looks to actually be quite huge and very well-designed; sure enough when you walk inside, it becomes quite obvious that they didn't scrimp on quality or beauty of the interior. The cafe has beautiful furniture and even a low coffee bar where you can hang out and chat with the barista while he prepares your coffee or espresso.
The coffee served is 49th Parallel Coffee Roasters out of Vancouver, a roaster I had been wanting to try for some time but had not had the chance. The coffee was Ethiopian and french pressed (the barista commented that he used to make drip but he stopped after realizing it didn't maximize the coffee's potential), the results presented a smooth, bright, and fruity cup of coffee. Well done.
The espresso was amazing as the barista definitely knew what he was doing and he pulled a very luscious doubleshot. The espresso possessed a velvety texture as well as lovely bittersweet chocolate-iness. The tea was Harney and Sons and they also had a full menu, complete with beer, wine, and some of the best orange juice ever squeezed.
Walking away after my final visit, I really wished that such a fine specimen wasn't such a distance from home but alas, se la vie. If your in Montreal, I would strongly encourage a stop by Cafe Sante Veritas for coffee as well as a meal.