As many people know, this past Tuesday was DD's "FREE Iced Coffee Day," a glorious day of the distribution of one of their finer products (as weird as it is, DD makes good coffee, a topic that will recieve future attention, I'm sure...).
So anyways, it was round 9 pm. I was out with the girlfriend making a late stop on FREE Iced Coffee Day. We walked in and were promptly greeted by "no iced coffee after 9!" and they pointed to the clock which read 9:12 pm. First of all, as the official signs (pasted everywhere) read the day exteneded all the way until 11:59 pm at all 24 hr DDs. So I persisted but after gaining no ground, withdrew to formulate my new attack.
Then an older couple walks in. I didn't really pay attention to what they were saying as I was trying to figure out how to persuade the lovely DD employees they were wrong. But just as I was about to try my rhetoric again, the lady in the couple, who had left seconds before, storms back in saying "the sign says until 11:59 pm! 11:59 not 9 o clock!" She proceeded to verbally wail the stubborn DD defense (with occasional "she's right" coming from my direction) until finally the DDers gave in.
Never in all my days has FREE coffee come at such a price, but in retrospect, I'm glad that lady was there or else I might not have got my evening brew :).
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