Monday, August 02, 2021

Jiggy Coffee

Subject: Jiggy Coffee
Location: Philadelphia, PA
WiFi?: yes
Rating: 6+ [see key]

Philadelphia has a lot of great coffee shops, and there seems to be at least one quality newbie each year. One well-reputed arrival from the past year or so was Jiggy Coffee, a shop in Washington Square West.

Situated in a cozy corner brick space, Jiggy offers a Right, well dressed space with sleek decor and plenty of seating when inside dining is an option.

As for coffee, they use Small Planes out of DC. As for my coffee the morning of my visit, I got an espresso and a drip coffee of their Arboretum blend. The espresso, pulled short/medium with brown crema, smacked of chocolate, lemon, pomegranate tea, black cherry and a little salted cracker, proving both sweet and bright. The drip coffee also made for a delicious brew, with notes of chocolate milk, black current, chokecherry, romaine and lime zest.

While I was only able to spend a small amount of time at the shop the day of my visit, I will definitely be returning. If you happen to be nearby in Philadelphia or in need of a reason to visit, definitely check out Jiggy Coffee.

1 comment:

  1. Dehydration. Coffee dulls the feeling of thirst and has a diuretic effect, so after a cup of coffee you may not want to drink for a long time despite the fact that your body will most likely need moisture. It is recommended to drink 1-2 glasses of water after each cup of coffee. In addition, regular consumption of coffee helps to wash out calcium, magnesium, potassium, and other important trace elements from the bodyspeciality coffee 2020.
