Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The Clay Cup

Subject: The Clay Cup
Location: Altoona, PA
WiFi?: yes
Rating: 6+ [see key]

I have driven past Altoona many times but my past itineraries/passengers have never allowed me to make a stop before. Fortunately I was able to remedy that on a recent trip west, where I was able to stop in town not only to take in the local sites but to grab some coffee as well.

After finding some easy street parking, I made my way over to The Clay Cup. Existing as part coffee house and part pottery studio, The Clay Cup serves up Passenger Coffee I missed it's brightly-colored aesthetic.

As for my coffee that day, I ordered an espresso of the Stowaway blend and a drip coffee of Keystone. The espresso, pulled to a medium volume with brown crema, smacked of cream, milk chocolate, asian pear, blackcherry and sesame seeds, proving sweet, full and floral. The drip coffee also fared wonderfully, with notes of fuji apple, plum, pie crust, croissant, vanilla ice cream and buttered cracker.

While I would have loved to hang out longer, the rest of my road trip west beckoned so I had to leave shortly after polishing off my drinks. If you live local or are passing through, definitely make some time for The Clay Cup in Altoona.  

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