Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Mugged: Ferris Coffee

Subject: Ferris Coffee and Nut
Coffees Mugged and Rating [see key]:
- Costa Rica Sumava 5+
- Guatemala San Sebastian 6+
- Ethiopia Misty Valley 6+

Most coffee roasters older than disco do not produce coffee worth coffee drinking. Whether one attributes it to a fear of change or the stubborn fortitude of old habits, most coffee purveyors that predate Alfred Peet still usually purvey subpar coffee. Thus in light of the disappointing odds for old coffee roasting operations, it's pretty amazing that Ferris Coffee and Nut, having been around for nearly a century, delivers some pretty amazing coffee.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

e-shot Cafe

Subject: e-shot Cafe
Location visited: Larchmont, NY
WiFi?: yes
Rating: 6+ [see key]

Even though I am a huge fan of the automobile, trains are still my favorite way to get around a metropolitan area. Sadly when those trains get out into the suburbs, most towns do not possess a complimentary infrastructure, with the train station often being far from shops and cafes (usually to accommodate parking). Thus, to find a decent coffeehouse near a train station appears as rarely as an open seat during the morning commute. 

Monday, January 08, 2018

The Wydown

Subject: The Wydown
Location visited: 14th St, Washington DC
WiFi?: yes
Rating: 6+ [see key]

Long weekends on the road often make coffeeshops the perfect oasis for some leg stretching and refueling. Recently after spending some time relaxing with friends in Crystal City, my family was heading north towards NJ, when a (typical) major traffic upset sent us on an odd detour through the middle of DC. While driving through our nation's capital can be an inconvenience, in this case it actually made for a perfect opportunity to hit a coffee establishment that's been on my list for some time: the Wydown.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Mugged: Overwinter Coffee

Subject: Overwinter Coffee
Coffee Mugged: The Lemon Drop
Rating [see key]: 6+

For a couple of years in the early 21st century, I called Upstate New York home. While it took me some time to warm up to it, I genuinely do miss being close to the raw beauty of the Adirondacks, the exorbitant snowfall and visiting the old towns that remind me of Bedford Falls. 

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

The Nook Coffee House

Subject: The Nook Coffee House
Location: East Greenwich, RI
WiFi?: yes
Rating: 5+ [see key]

When traveling through Rhode Island, I have usually stuck to the same tired roads around Newport and Providence. But thank the Lord above, I found myself on a long overdue detour meandering a less-traveled route along the Greenwich Bay to see some of the beautiful New England coastline and enjoy some local sites. One such establishment fixed in my map was a local cafe called the Nook Coffee House.