Monday, October 27, 2014

Mugged: Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Chele'lektu and Aricha [Beanfruit Coffee]

Subject: BeanFruit Coffee Co.
Coffee Mugged and Rating [see key]:
- Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Aricha Natural Process 5+
- Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Chele'lektu 5+

Mississippi remains in my mind as a state unfurled. What I speak of is simply that like many other states in our fair union, the fine state of Mississippi, while full of many other wonderful institutions (such as the rebels of Ole Miss), there exist few coffee establishments of great worth. In the times I have forayed into its lands, not once have I successfully found one. But thanks to grace from above and toil from below, the state of Mississippi has begun sprouting some great coffee companies, with one of the more prominent to my ears being Jackson, Mississippi's Bean Fruit Coffee Co.  

Recently, they sent out two Ethiopian Yirgacheffes, a rare pleasure to sup upon two geographically-close-yet-different coffees from the same roaster. One is comprised by 600 small farmers from the village area of Chele'lektu, the other is a natural processed coffee from the Aricha Washing Station. Both coffees I sampled via pourover, french press and siphon. 

The Chele'lektu I broke into first. The pourover dished out a smooth, luscious coffee full of blueberry, sweet chocolate, muffin, whipped cream, fig, some rosemary and a little malt. The french press proved laden of blueberries, chocolate chips, belgian ale, strawberry salsa, vanilla cake and a bit of cucumber. The siphon had much more chocolate, with a prominent flavor of chocolate icing over a sweet vanilla cake, as well as light tomato, belgian ale and corn flakes within a smooth and light body. In summation, the coffee made for a delightfully sweet and bright brew with a diverse palate of pleasant flavors in each cup. 

The Aricha proved similarly sumptuous. Notes of mango, sweet chocolate and cream dominated the pourover, with notes of black beans, chile peppers and parsley lightly interspersed. The french press made for an even more cocoa-heavy drink, followed by strawberry, mango, cilantro and a bit of bean. The siphon also made for chocolate-centric coffee with tomato, strawberry, pie crust, whipped cream, basil and chile pepper, making for a little more vegetal notes but still delicious. A great coffee all in all, full of smooth sweet and bright notes backed up with zest and a touch of spice. 

This tale of two Ethiopian Yirgacheffes ends upon high notes (a little unlike Dicken's similar work), with two coffees definitely worth checking out. Head either to Jackson, MS or their webpage to see the repertoire of BeanFruit coffee. 

note: coffee was provided free of charge and the above review is objective feedback.

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