Sunday, October 30, 2011

Mugged: Colombia [Superba]

Subject: Superba Coffee 
Mugged: Colombia San Agustin
Rating: 4+ [see key]

While intriguing origins don't usually really affect the taste of the coffee, it sure makes drinking the coffee more of an experience. Take San Agustin in Colombia, a municipality that has a lot of pre-1492 archeology such as stone sculptures and artifacts.

Knowing that the coffee I sip grew in the same soil makes it seem that much more exotic. Of course, when I recently reviewed Superba's Colombia San Agustin, I reviewed it as I would any other coffee, sampling it objectively via drip, siphon and french press.

The drip produced notes of milk chocolate, strawberry, a bit of corn pops and imperial stout, wheat and irony romaine amidst a potent, medium body.

The french press shot out milk chocolate, corn pops, strawberry, grass and a bit of clove in a medium body.

The siphon held much firmer notes of honey and corn pops, followed with milk chocolate, apple, grass and salt amidst a light/medium body.

To sum up, I liked this coffee a bunch (sweet and robust) but some of the aftertastes (romaine and clove) did not fly my flag as strongly. Thus, when you're eying up a good Colombian coffee from an ancient land, give Supera's San Agustin a go.

note: coffee was provided free of charge and the above review is objective feedback.


  1. Anonymous4:21 AM

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  2. Interesting take on SC. I too, enjoy a strong and sweet coffee but am not sure whether the aftertastes would work for me. Nonetheless, I appreciate your candor and look forward to more.

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