Sunday, October 03, 2010

CC: J'eet

What's does "CC" mean?

Location visited: Pittsburgh, PA
Free WiFi ? : yes
5+ [
see key]

Needing a decent coffee stop on my way out one morning, I checked my coffee list for nearby coffeehouses and an intriguing place called J'eet showed up. I had not heard much of them except that they splendidly purvey Commonplace Coffee, a roaster of nearby Indiana (that at the time, was in the midst of setting up their own Pburgh cafe in Squirrel Hill).

Always up for the adventure, I made my way through the AM congestion and found a parking spot right before the bright red-and-black, snack bar-esque front window of the cafe. Walking in, I was greeted by a cheerful barista sitting in a long shop that seems built for expediency (inside and outside serving windows) but also had a good amount of seating and a separate sandwich counter in the back.

Said chipper spro slinger served me up a cup of Ethiopian (drip) and an espresso. The Ethiopian lent some flavors of bright blueberry, tart hyacinth, sunflower, a little grass and a bit of molasses (pretty good). The espresso, pulled short with fair crema, held bitter cocoa, lemon, sugar, some pepper and a little whiskey with a dark bite on the end (also pretty good). The tea I did not catch.

To encapsulate my endeavor, I would remark that J'eet not only peddles Commonplace Coffee well, but exists as a fine establishment in the neighborhood. Do make a visit.


  1. You gotta a love a good spot like that. For me it is Java Monkey in Decatur, GA. Great atmosphere and wonderful coffee.

  2. I just stumbled upon your blog. I noticed you visit coffee shops all over. Anything up here in Canada worth mentioning?

  3. Kyle,

    Check out my index and map on the left side of the coffee. Been to a handful of places in Canada.

    Thanks for reading!


  4. Anonymous10:31 AM

    They just got rid of their espresso and are carrying plain. drip. coffee.

    No reason to work in the area now.

  5. Anonymous7:57 AM

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