Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Mugged: Filadelfia Estate [R Dalton Coffee]


What does "Mugged" mean?

R Dalton Coffee
Coffees Mugged:
Filadelfia Estate Genuine Antigua

Rating: 2+
[see key]

he tough part with crops seems to be that the quality can differ from year to year. A prize-winning harvest one year can produce a mediocre output another.

Such seems the case with the second coffee I got from R Dalton Coffee. Their Filadelfia Estate Genuine Antigua had won awards and has a self-proclaimed reputation for greatness. But the coffee I received didn't seem to do as well as the accolades had lead me to expect.

In brewing it via french press, the coffee had notes of cloves, honey, pepper and really bitter cocoa. A dark coffee that didn't hold a lot of flavor but wasn't bad.

The drip was darker, with more pepper, cloves, honey, bitter cocoa, a little caramel and some earthiness. Also not a bad cup.

The siphon produced a similarly dark coffee, with bitter cocoa, honey, pepper and a bit of sourdough. Once again, a dark cup with not too much else to it.

Given the hype, I really thought this coffee would do better. Sadly, it seemed the darker roast (plus maybe the crop itself) lent only to a fair coffee this round. If you're in the mood for a modest Guatemalan, try out this one.

note: coffee was provided free of charge and the above review is objective feedback.

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