Saturday, January 16, 2010

Mugged: Costa Rican Tarrazu [Uncommon Grounds]


What does "Mugged" mean?

Subject: Uncommon Grounds
Coffees Mugged: Costa Rican Tarrazu Fair Trade and Organic
Rating: 3+ [see key]

Even though I expect it, mid-January always hits me with its lack of fun weather and as of late, excessive deadlines. Usually within these times it's the little things, such as a decent coffee new to my tongue, that seem to have a greater, much-more-appreciated oomph.

Given this fact, it was a nice surprise to have received a pound of Costa Rican Tarrazu from a recently reviewed coffee roaster and cafe, Uncommon Grounds. The coffee came in a large paper bag, filled to the brim with a medium roast edging on dark. I brewed the coffee via drip, siphon and french press.

The drip, brewed first, birthed a brew rich in dark chocolate and with hints of pumpkin and cloves. A bit of dark bitterness emerged as the cup cooled, having a moderate effect of making the cup less sweet and more peppery.

The french press also presented a nice dark chocolaty cup with chipper notes of spice and a developing bitterness. The french press seemed to have a much more deep and earthy taste to it.

The siphon had the least bitterness of the three yet it was more one dimensional as well, with all the spotlight on the rich chocolate and only small cameos of earthiness and bitterness. The siphon consistently produced the smoothest body of the three methods.

Though I can't say this was the best Costa Rican coffee I've ever had, it proved to be among some of the better. Whether you frequent the cafes of Uncommon Grounds or you're looking for a decent Costa Rican online, give this one a try.

note: coffee was provided free of charge and the above review is objective feedback.


  1. yay, I've found a new coffee blog :)

  2. The minute you mentioned chocolate you had my attention. And the fact that it was strong made me even more curious. I hate wishy washy coffee! This sounds like an amazing blend!

  3. Just came across your coffee blog, and find it incredibly detailed. I enjoy the time and effort you put into the reviews, and the clarity with which you describe this certain coffee. Almost felt like I had a piece of dark chocolate in my mouth. Look forward to more write ups!!!
